
Basic Retreading and Refurbishing

All collected furniture will be cleaned, appropriately restored and retreaded according to established procedure at the workshop. Dismantled furniture will be assembled at the workshop to ensure the furniture can be assembled and reused with complete fittings.


Fitting Installation / Structural Restoration

Useful fittings of some discarded furniture will be collected and installed on other repairable furniture to the best of their use. Some damaged structural fittings may also be restored, for example, wardrobe back board / bed board can be ordered according to specific dimensions and then reinstalled onto the original furniture.


Re-paint Service

We provide re-paint color service for solid wood furniture. Used furniture can then be reused with new faces after refurbishment and color changing, or be reassigned to somewhere else for reuse, thereby reducing expenses on old furniture discards and new furniture acquirement. The original furniture can be provided by clients or chosen on our online shop. Please contact us for enquiries.



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